Warta News has posted a new item, 'Here's how to really put off the Bulgarians
and Romanians from coming to the UK'
WHY is the Government wrestling with the idea of running ad campaigns in
Bulgaria and Romania to put off workers from moving here?Dithering is fatal. If
we don't want them, then jolt them with the culture shock that awaits by
luring Judith Chalmers ...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Warta News
[Sepeda Motor] Akhir Bulan Januari ini, Mazda CX-9 Terbaru Mengaspal
Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'Akhir Bulan Januari ini, Mazda CX-9 Terbaru
F: Mazda CX-9 (MMI) JAKARTA - Dipenghujung Januari 2013 ini, PT Mazda Motor
Indonesia (MMI) akan menghadirkan generasi terbaru dari CX-9. Dalam undangan
resminya, model ini akan diluncurkan pada 31 Januari 2013 nanti di salah satu
hotel di Jakarta.Ke...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
F: Mazda CX-9 (MMI) JAKARTA - Dipenghujung Januari 2013 ini, PT Mazda Motor
Indonesia (MMI) akan menghadirkan generasi terbaru dari CX-9. Dalam undangan
resminya, model ini akan diluncurkan pada 31 Januari 2013 nanti di salah satu
hotel di Jakarta.Ke...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
[Kaskus Lounge] wow!! PSK Anak Dolly Kuat Layani 100 Tamu Sebulan
Kaskus Lounge has posted a new item, 'wow!! PSK Anak Dolly Kuat Layani 100 Tamu
Asep Darmawan (35) dan istrinya Pipit Indah Sari (17) yang memiliki usaha di
lokalisasi Dolly Jl Kupang Gunung Timur I/18 kini mendekam dalam tahanan
Polrestabes Surabaya. Dia ditahan akibat melacurkan anak di bawah umur.
Modus yang digunakan pasutri ini masih seputar uang. Kepada korbannya, Nonik
(15) asal Tambak Asri, memberikan utangan Rp 1,5 juta agar bisa tetap bekerja di
wismanya. Pemandangan di lokalisasi Dolly Surabaya di hari hari normal
Pemandangan di lokalisasi Dolly Surabaya di hari hari normal Karena mempunyai
utang itu, Nonik terpaksa melayani 100 laki hidung belang dalam sebulan. Jumlah
itu teritung sejak Nonik masuk ke Wisma 18 bulan September lalu. Selain Nonik,
dua temannya yang memakai nama Andien (16) asal Banyu Urip serta Endah (14),
warga Simo. Polisi belum bisa dikonfirmasi, karena keduanya sudah tidak ada lagi
di wisma tersebut. Setiap kali melayani tamu, Asep menarifkan Rp 100 ribu, dan
kemudian dipotong 50 persen. Sehingga dalam satu bulannya Asep mampu meraup
keuntungan bersih Rp 12 juta. Itu sudah termasuk potongan untuk kemanannya, Pak,
aku Asep yang gemuk. Tapi usaha turunan dari orang tua kini Asep sudah tidak
bisa menjalankan karena ditutup. Dia akibat kesandung pasal 2 ayat 17 UU RI No
21 tahun 2007 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana perdagangan orang dan pasal 88
UU RI No t3 tahun 2002 tentang perlindungan anak dengan ancaman diatas 5 tahun.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Kaskus Lounge
Asep Darmawan (35) dan istrinya Pipit Indah Sari (17) yang memiliki usaha di
lokalisasi Dolly Jl Kupang Gunung Timur I/18 kini mendekam dalam tahanan
Polrestabes Surabaya. Dia ditahan akibat melacurkan anak di bawah umur.
Modus yang digunakan pasutri ini masih seputar uang. Kepada korbannya, Nonik
(15) asal Tambak Asri, memberikan utangan Rp 1,5 juta agar bisa tetap bekerja di
wismanya. Pemandangan di lokalisasi Dolly Surabaya di hari hari normal
Pemandangan di lokalisasi Dolly Surabaya di hari hari normal Karena mempunyai
utang itu, Nonik terpaksa melayani 100 laki hidung belang dalam sebulan. Jumlah
itu teritung sejak Nonik masuk ke Wisma 18 bulan September lalu. Selain Nonik,
dua temannya yang memakai nama Andien (16) asal Banyu Urip serta Endah (14),
warga Simo. Polisi belum bisa dikonfirmasi, karena keduanya sudah tidak ada lagi
di wisma tersebut. Setiap kali melayani tamu, Asep menarifkan Rp 100 ribu, dan
kemudian dipotong 50 persen. Sehingga dalam satu bulannya Asep mampu meraup
keuntungan bersih Rp 12 juta. Itu sudah termasuk potongan untuk kemanannya, Pak,
aku Asep yang gemuk. Tapi usaha turunan dari orang tua kini Asep sudah tidak
bisa menjalankan karena ditutup. Dia akibat kesandung pasal 2 ayat 17 UU RI No
21 tahun 2007 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana perdagangan orang dan pasal 88
UU RI No t3 tahun 2002 tentang perlindungan anak dengan ancaman diatas 5 tahun.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Kaskus Lounge
[Sepeda Motor] New Honda Jazz: Daftar Harga Sesuai Tipe Dan Varian
Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'New Honda Jazz: Daftar Harga Sesuai Tipe
Dan Varian'
Daftar Harga New Honda Jazz Sesuai Tipe Dan Varian. Artikel otomotif ini
menyajikan beberapa daftar harga mobil hatchback New Honda Jazz sesuai dengan
tipe dan variannya. Dimulai dari harga New Honda Jazz tipe A yang terdiri dari
varian New Jazz S dan ...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
Dan Varian'
Daftar Harga New Honda Jazz Sesuai Tipe Dan Varian. Artikel otomotif ini
menyajikan beberapa daftar harga mobil hatchback New Honda Jazz sesuai dengan
tipe dan variannya. Dimulai dari harga New Honda Jazz tipe A yang terdiri dari
varian New Jazz S dan ...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
[Info Rumah] Rumah 11/2 lantai harapan
Info Rumah has posted a new item, 'Rumah 11/2 lantai harapan'
Rp. 550,000,000
Sertifikat Hak Milik
Kamar tidur: 3
Kamar mandi: 2
Kamar pembantu: -
Garasi: 1
Luas tanah: 94,5
Luas bangunan: 130
Berapa lantai? 11/2
Bangunan menghadap: Utara
Berapa line telepon? -
Listrik: 1300 watt
Genset: -
Sumber air: PAM
AC: -
Pemanas air: -
Kolam renang: -
Sambungan Internet: -
Apakah mobil masuk? Y
Bebas banjir? Y
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Rumah
Rp. 550,000,000
Sertifikat Hak Milik
Kamar tidur: 3
Kamar mandi: 2
Kamar pembantu: -
Garasi: 1
Luas tanah: 94,5
Luas bangunan: 130
Berapa lantai? 11/2
Bangunan menghadap: Utara
Berapa line telepon? -
Listrik: 1300 watt
Genset: -
Sumber air: PAM
AC: -
Pemanas air: -
Kolam renang: -
Sambungan Internet: -
Apakah mobil masuk? Y
Bebas banjir? Y
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Rumah
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[Kaskus Marketplace] Cincin Permata / Gemstone
Kaskus Marketplace has posted a new item, 'Cincin Permata / Gemstone'
DagingRing : PERAK Size 18"Batu : Purple VIolet SapphireRing : PERAK Size
18"--------------------------------------------Minat, SMS : 087757667600PIN BB :
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace
DagingRing : PERAK Size 18"Batu : Purple VIolet SapphireRing : PERAK Size
18"--------------------------------------------Minat, SMS : 087757667600PIN BB :
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace
You have more friends on Facebook than you think
You have more friends on Facebook than you think
[Sepeda Motor] Rolls-Royce Rp10 Miliar Keok Hadapi Banjir Jakarta
Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'Rolls-Royce Rp10 Miliar Keok Hadapi Banjir
- Mobil mewah dengan banderol selangit tak jadi jaminan mampu menerobos
banjir Jakarta. Buktinya, Rolls-Royce Phantom harus keok alias mogok
saat di kawasan Bundaran Hotel Indonesia (HI) yang diserbu banjir sejak
Kamis pagi, 17 Januari 201...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
- Mobil mewah dengan banderol selangit tak jadi jaminan mampu menerobos
banjir Jakarta. Buktinya, Rolls-Royce Phantom harus keok alias mogok
saat di kawasan Bundaran Hotel Indonesia (HI) yang diserbu banjir sejak
Kamis pagi, 17 Januari 201...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
[Automotive Xplore] Automotive Rapid Prototyping Fail First Paradox - AUTOMOTIVE
Automotive Xplore has posted a new item, 'Automotive Rapid Prototyping Fail
First Paradox - AUTOMOTIVE'
New product development and innovation is much more difficult and time consuming
than most other business activities. Automotive rapid prototyping greatly
enhances learning speed and reduces the risk of new automotive parts
Historically, the automotive industry has been using rapid prototyping as an
important tool in the automotive parts design process. The extremely fast-paced
automotive design cycles require an extremely fast prototyping system which can
produce car parts fast and inexpensively.
The main objective of automotive prototyping is to learn quickly: how a new
automotive product behaves in its natural working environment, before
transferring the prototype to the production line. Many times, mistakes are
learned only after a new automotive part is launched. This is the main
explanation for poor automotive parts design, from product mismatch, poor
engineering and function or finish, and overpriced production. In order to
accelerate the learning curve, before these costly automotive prototyping
mistakes are made, one must accelerate and facilitate feedback loops from tests
in the lab and market trials.
Automotive Manufacturing Technologies
Working with an assortment of rapid prototyping equipment, automotive
prototyping engineers utilize the most advanced 3D printers, in their quest for
perfect form, function and utility. Working in advanced manufacturing centers,
the automotive engineers use the technology to verify what they are doing, and,
equally important, to save tremendous amounts of time, and money.
Automotive Rapid Prototyping Compresses Development Time
The advantages of 3D rapid prototyping model creation versus viewing a cad/cam
model on a computer screen is palpable. Automotive parts engineers get together
discuss the pros and cons of a rapidly produced automotive parts model and
discuss the pros and cons of the design, as they pass it around, twisting and
viewing the prototype, and decide if that is what they had in mind. This way,
problems get solved up front, before going to the assembly line! Once determined
that the automotive prototype design is a go, the model can then be sent to a
die maker.
Automotive Prototyping and the Die Maker Process
The die maker cannot use model to make the die, but because they have it in
their hand and can look at it and feel it, they can determine where the parting
lines will be and exactly how much steel they will need to produce it. The
timing of the die process is greatly compressed.
Examples of Automotive Rapid Prototyping Parts
Engine castings and parts
Car Engine parts
Auto Mechanical parts
Car Dashboards
Car Handles and Knobs
Auto Body Components
Car Trim parts
Fail first Paradox in Automotive Rapid PrototypingThe automotive rapid
prototyping paradox is to fail earlier rather than later. By failing earlier,
the design engineers surprisingly succeed in accelerating the project; this
greatly reduces development cost risk.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Automotive Xplore
First Paradox - AUTOMOTIVE'
New product development and innovation is much more difficult and time consuming
than most other business activities. Automotive rapid prototyping greatly
enhances learning speed and reduces the risk of new automotive parts
Historically, the automotive industry has been using rapid prototyping as an
important tool in the automotive parts design process. The extremely fast-paced
automotive design cycles require an extremely fast prototyping system which can
produce car parts fast and inexpensively.
The main objective of automotive prototyping is to learn quickly: how a new
automotive product behaves in its natural working environment, before
transferring the prototype to the production line. Many times, mistakes are
learned only after a new automotive part is launched. This is the main
explanation for poor automotive parts design, from product mismatch, poor
engineering and function or finish, and overpriced production. In order to
accelerate the learning curve, before these costly automotive prototyping
mistakes are made, one must accelerate and facilitate feedback loops from tests
in the lab and market trials.
Automotive Manufacturing Technologies
Working with an assortment of rapid prototyping equipment, automotive
prototyping engineers utilize the most advanced 3D printers, in their quest for
perfect form, function and utility. Working in advanced manufacturing centers,
the automotive engineers use the technology to verify what they are doing, and,
equally important, to save tremendous amounts of time, and money.
Automotive Rapid Prototyping Compresses Development Time
The advantages of 3D rapid prototyping model creation versus viewing a cad/cam
model on a computer screen is palpable. Automotive parts engineers get together
discuss the pros and cons of a rapidly produced automotive parts model and
discuss the pros and cons of the design, as they pass it around, twisting and
viewing the prototype, and decide if that is what they had in mind. This way,
problems get solved up front, before going to the assembly line! Once determined
that the automotive prototype design is a go, the model can then be sent to a
die maker.
Automotive Prototyping and the Die Maker Process
The die maker cannot use model to make the die, but because they have it in
their hand and can look at it and feel it, they can determine where the parting
lines will be and exactly how much steel they will need to produce it. The
timing of the die process is greatly compressed.
Examples of Automotive Rapid Prototyping Parts
Engine castings and parts
Car Engine parts
Auto Mechanical parts
Car Dashboards
Car Handles and Knobs
Auto Body Components
Car Trim parts
Fail first Paradox in Automotive Rapid PrototypingThe automotive rapid
prototyping paradox is to fail earlier rather than later. By failing earlier,
the design engineers surprisingly succeed in accelerating the project; this
greatly reduces development cost risk.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Automotive Xplore
Automotive Xplore
Automotive Xplore | Car reviews can be found at
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[Sepeda Motor] Ciri Intake Manifold atau Leher Angsa yang Bagus
Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'Ciri Intake Manifold atau Leher Angsa yang
intake manifold variasi
Intake manifold atau leher angsa sudah banyak variasi nya di speedshop terdekat.
Ada yang modelnya mirip standar nya, ada yang bagus berbentuk ¼
lingkaran. Perbedaannya bisa juga dari arah moncong karburator menghadap kemana,
atau tingkat kehalusan dinding dalamnya.
Ciri intake manifold yang bagus ialah sebagai berikut:
1. Dinding bagian dalam halus
Agar CFM maksimal, intake manifold haruslah dibuat halus (jika perlu di chrome).
Seperti merek KOSO ataupun KTC, dll., kualitas barangnya memang sudah baik dari
segi bahan maupun performa. Untukmengakaliintake standar, kita
harusmemaksimalkan intake dengan caramodifikasi. Gunakan ampelas halus untuk
menghilangkan kulit jeruknya dan ubahtekukanintake dengan lem besi.
2. Arah intake tidak membuat karburator menabrak
Biasanya, intake manifold KW-Series hanya memendekkan intake manifoldnya dan
mengubaharah-nyakurang lebih 90 sehingga akan membentur body. Saat ini sudah ada
pilihan rotary intake seperti gambar paling atas yang sudut putarnya bebas kita
3. Dapat dipasang adapter seperti rubber manifold
Pasti bingung ketika intake standar punya 2 lubang baut akan dipasang karburator
tipe lingkaran (ex: Keihin PE, PWK, PWM, Mikuni TM series). Intake yang baik
dapat dengan mudah dipasang kan adapter sebagai media penyambung karbu dengan
intake nya.
4. Punya lubang venturi yang sama dengan karburatornya
Ketika lubang intake lebih kecil dari venturi karburatornya, akan banyak terjadi
tabrakan molekul udara. Jangan kaget ketika bensin mendadak boros dan ada embun
air di sekitar body karburator. Lebih baik jika lubang intake sama dengan karbu
atau aman jika lebih besar ketimbang lebih kecil.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
intake manifold variasi
Intake manifold atau leher angsa sudah banyak variasi nya di speedshop terdekat.
Ada yang modelnya mirip standar nya, ada yang bagus berbentuk ¼
lingkaran. Perbedaannya bisa juga dari arah moncong karburator menghadap kemana,
atau tingkat kehalusan dinding dalamnya.
Ciri intake manifold yang bagus ialah sebagai berikut:
1. Dinding bagian dalam halus
Agar CFM maksimal, intake manifold haruslah dibuat halus (jika perlu di chrome).
Seperti merek KOSO ataupun KTC, dll., kualitas barangnya memang sudah baik dari
segi bahan maupun performa. Untukmengakaliintake standar, kita
harusmemaksimalkan intake dengan caramodifikasi. Gunakan ampelas halus untuk
menghilangkan kulit jeruknya dan ubahtekukanintake dengan lem besi.
2. Arah intake tidak membuat karburator menabrak
Biasanya, intake manifold KW-Series hanya memendekkan intake manifoldnya dan
mengubaharah-nyakurang lebih 90 sehingga akan membentur body. Saat ini sudah ada
pilihan rotary intake seperti gambar paling atas yang sudut putarnya bebas kita
3. Dapat dipasang adapter seperti rubber manifold
Pasti bingung ketika intake standar punya 2 lubang baut akan dipasang karburator
tipe lingkaran (ex: Keihin PE, PWK, PWM, Mikuni TM series). Intake yang baik
dapat dengan mudah dipasang kan adapter sebagai media penyambung karbu dengan
intake nya.
4. Punya lubang venturi yang sama dengan karburatornya
Ketika lubang intake lebih kecil dari venturi karburatornya, akan banyak terjadi
tabrakan molekul udara. Jangan kaget ketika bensin mendadak boros dan ada embun
air di sekitar body karburator. Lebih baik jika lubang intake sama dengan karbu
atau aman jika lebih besar ketimbang lebih kecil.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'REGULATOR KIPROK ANTI TEKOR AKI'
Contoh RK yang terpasang
Kekurangan dan Kelebihan AC ke DC
Banyak cara meningkatkan kinerja sistem penerangan alias lampu di motkas (motor
bekas). Mulai dari yang sederhana dengan mengaplikasikan lampu Halogen sampai
yang paling rumit denga...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
Contoh RK yang terpasang
Kekurangan dan Kelebihan AC ke DC
Banyak cara meningkatkan kinerja sistem penerangan alias lampu di motkas (motor
bekas). Mulai dari yang sederhana dengan mengaplikasikan lampu Halogen sampai
yang paling rumit denga...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'KOIL ANDRION XP 5A RACING'
Koil andrion XP 5A.
Koil andrion XP CMC series 5 A, Merupakan revolusi teknologi pengapian untuk
sepeda motor dengan kombinasi teknologi design terbaru voltage output lilitan
primer atau sekunder. RFC (Radion Frequency Choke) dan teknologi "laminat...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
Koil andrion XP 5A.
Koil andrion XP CMC series 5 A, Merupakan revolusi teknologi pengapian untuk
sepeda motor dengan kombinasi teknologi design terbaru voltage output lilitan
primer atau sekunder. RFC (Radion Frequency Choke) dan teknologi "laminat...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
You have more friends on Facebook than you think
[Lowongan Kerja Terbaru] Lowongan Kerja Bank Ekonomi Raharja January 2013
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru has posted a new item, 'Lowongan Kerja Bank Ekonomi
Raharja January 2013'
Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Ekonomi Raharja Tbk, is established since 1990 and since
May 2009 has been member HSBC Group. As a member of the World's Local Bank, we
would like to enlarge our business network and also give mutual advantage to
customers.We are proud to invite all smart, communicative and ambitious
candidates to develop as:CUSTOMER SERVICERequirements: Candidate must possess at
least a Bachelor's Degree in any field. At least 2 year(s) of working experience
in the related field is required for this position. Preferably Staff
(non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Customer Service or
equivalent. Job role in Customer Service - General or equivalent. 3 Full-Time
position(s) available.Please submit your application letter, CV and coloured
photograph (3x4) (supporting documents are not required at this stage) to the
following address:
Lowongan TerbaruBank Ekonomi RaharjaJanuari 2013PT Bank Ekonomi Raharja Tbk
Email : fahmifajrin@bankekonomi.co.id(size maximum 200KB)
Expired : 25 January 2013
In the e-mail subject, please put the position code and preferred placement.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru
Raharja January 2013'
Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Ekonomi Raharja Tbk, is established since 1990 and since
May 2009 has been member HSBC Group. As a member of the World's Local Bank, we
would like to enlarge our business network and also give mutual advantage to
customers.We are proud to invite all smart, communicative and ambitious
candidates to develop as:CUSTOMER SERVICERequirements: Candidate must possess at
least a Bachelor's Degree in any field. At least 2 year(s) of working experience
in the related field is required for this position. Preferably Staff
(non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Customer Service or
equivalent. Job role in Customer Service - General or equivalent. 3 Full-Time
position(s) available.Please submit your application letter, CV and coloured
photograph (3x4) (supporting documents are not required at this stage) to the
following address:
Lowongan TerbaruBank Ekonomi RaharjaJanuari 2013PT Bank Ekonomi Raharja Tbk
Email : fahmifajrin@bankekonomi.co.id(size maximum 200KB)
Expired : 25 January 2013
In the e-mail subject, please put the position code and preferred placement.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru
[Kaskus Marketplace] susah tidur? kasur dan bantal tidak nyaman? TaRe jawabannya.
Kaskus Marketplace has posted a new item, 'susah tidur? kasur dan bantal tidak
nyaman? TaRe jawabannya.'
TaReaddicted to bedour productproduct TaRe dibuat untuk kenyamanan tempat tidur
anda. kelebihan produk kami gampang di cuci, tahan lama, anti alergi, tidak
panas, melindingi kasur dari debu dan tungau, tahan air.PILLOW TOPPillowtop
adalah sebuah alas t...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace
nyaman? TaRe jawabannya.'
TaReaddicted to bedour productproduct TaRe dibuat untuk kenyamanan tempat tidur
anda. kelebihan produk kami gampang di cuci, tahan lama, anti alergi, tidak
panas, melindingi kasur dari debu dan tungau, tahan air.PILLOW TOPPillowtop
adalah sebuah alas t...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace
[Kerja] Web Developer PT. Bangun Cakra Wangsa
Kerja has posted a new item, 'Web Developer PT. Bangun Cakra Wangsa'
We are searching for outstanding web developers to be responsible for
developing innovative, reusable Web-based tools for progressive online ERP
system. Our web developers work closely with our project managers, strategists
and design team members to develop specifications and make recommendations on
the use of new and emerging technologies. Programming, graphic design and
database administration are all elements of this position.
â IPK Min 3.00
â Graduates of engineering informatics or information systems
â Experience with HTML/XHTML and CSS
â 2 years minimum Web programming and .Net experience, including PHP, ASP
â Priority : who experience and understand the ERP System
â Priority : preferably who have worked on the project non academic
â Preferred who understand ERP system and Database Design
â Experience working with relational database systems such as MySQL,
Oracle and a good working knowledge of SQL Server
â Development experience using extensible web authoring tools
â Self-starter with strong self-management skills
â Ability to organize and manage multiple priorities and target
â Enjoy working with others in a team atmosphere.
â Enjoy learning and research
Work Description
- Work closely with Project Managers and other members of the Development Team
to both develop detailed specification documents with clear project deliverables
and timelines, and to ensure timely completion of deliverables.
- Produce project estimates during sales process, including expertise required,
total number of people required, total number of development hours required,
- Attend client meetings during the sales process and during development.
- Work with clients and Project Managers to build and refine graphic designs for
websites. Must have strong skills in Photoshop, Fireworks, or equivalent
- Convert raw images and layouts from a graphic designer into CSS/XHTML themes.
- Determine appropriate architecture, and other technical solutions, and make
relevant recommendations to clients.
- Communicate to the Project Manager with efficiency and accuracy any progress
and/or delays. Engage in outside-the-box thinking to provide high
value-of-service to clients.
- Alert colleagues to emerging technologies or applications and the
opportunities to integrate them into operations and activities.
- Be actively involved in and contribute regularly to the development community
of the CMS of your choice.
- Develop innovative, reusable Web-based tools for an ERP system.
How to apply via Online
1. All information career opportunities (condition, position, ipk, etc.) have
been determined by the company
2. Inserting data properly with upload picture (Office Look)
3. Make an application letter enclosing CV / Curriculum Vitae, Photocopy of
diploma / graduation Proof, Copy Transcript / KHS, Copy of ID card / driving
license, recent 4x6 color photo, (1 photo)
4. You cannot send an application if: your data is no picture.
Interested ?
Contact Us :
E-mail : info@bcwsolutions.com
Phone : 031 - 534 5215
Fax : 031 - 531 1348
Official Site : www.bcwsolutions.com
Harap mencantumkan klikkarir.com dalam surat lamaran Anda
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Best regards,
We are searching for outstanding web developers to be responsible for
developing innovative, reusable Web-based tools for progressive online ERP
system. Our web developers work closely with our project managers, strategists
and design team members to develop specifications and make recommendations on
the use of new and emerging technologies. Programming, graphic design and
database administration are all elements of this position.
â IPK Min 3.00
â Graduates of engineering informatics or information systems
â Experience with HTML/XHTML and CSS
â 2 years minimum Web programming and .Net experience, including PHP, ASP
â Priority : who experience and understand the ERP System
â Priority : preferably who have worked on the project non academic
â Preferred who understand ERP system and Database Design
â Experience working with relational database systems such as MySQL,
Oracle and a good working knowledge of SQL Server
â Development experience using extensible web authoring tools
â Self-starter with strong self-management skills
â Ability to organize and manage multiple priorities and target
â Enjoy working with others in a team atmosphere.
â Enjoy learning and research
Work Description
- Work closely with Project Managers and other members of the Development Team
to both develop detailed specification documents with clear project deliverables
and timelines, and to ensure timely completion of deliverables.
- Produce project estimates during sales process, including expertise required,
total number of people required, total number of development hours required,
- Attend client meetings during the sales process and during development.
- Work with clients and Project Managers to build and refine graphic designs for
websites. Must have strong skills in Photoshop, Fireworks, or equivalent
- Convert raw images and layouts from a graphic designer into CSS/XHTML themes.
- Determine appropriate architecture, and other technical solutions, and make
relevant recommendations to clients.
- Communicate to the Project Manager with efficiency and accuracy any progress
and/or delays. Engage in outside-the-box thinking to provide high
value-of-service to clients.
- Alert colleagues to emerging technologies or applications and the
opportunities to integrate them into operations and activities.
- Be actively involved in and contribute regularly to the development community
of the CMS of your choice.
- Develop innovative, reusable Web-based tools for an ERP system.
How to apply via Online
1. All information career opportunities (condition, position, ipk, etc.) have
been determined by the company
2. Inserting data properly with upload picture (Office Look)
3. Make an application letter enclosing CV / Curriculum Vitae, Photocopy of
diploma / graduation Proof, Copy Transcript / KHS, Copy of ID card / driving
license, recent 4x6 color photo, (1 photo)
4. You cannot send an application if: your data is no picture.
Interested ?
Contact Us :
E-mail : info@bcwsolutions.com
Phone : 031 - 534 5215
Fax : 031 - 531 1348
Official Site : www.bcwsolutions.com
Harap mencantumkan klikkarir.com dalam surat lamaran Anda
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Best regards,
You have more friends on Facebook than you think
[Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id] Tracker2
Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id has posted a new item, 'Tracker2'
You can find a simple and reliable avalanche beacon in the Tracker 2 from
Backcountry Access. This beacon has the ability to transmit your location over
160 feet while giving you the capabilities to search for survivors. It can't
show you how many survivors there are, but an icon will tell you if there is
more than one person who is buried. The Tracker 2 is smaller than many other
beacons we looked at, but with the included shoulder harness, you won't have to
worry about losing this transceiver.
Turning the Tracker 2 emergency locator on will trigger a self-diagnostic test
to make sure everything is running correctly. Once the diagnostics have run, the
Tracker 2 automatically turns to transmit mode. This mode transmits your
location up to 164 feet and uses three antennas to make sure it is transmitting
the strongest signal.
To start seeking out avalanche victims with the Tracker 2, you need only flip a
switch. This personal locator beacons emits a loud beeping sound when it has
picked up the signal of a buried transceiver. The digital display shows you the
distance to that spot while an arrow points you in the direction general
direction. If you pass the victim and head in the wrong direction, the distance
increases, indicating you should turn around.
If there are multiple victims buried, a small light will illuminate on the
Tracker 2. However, unlike more advanced beacons, this device has no LCD screen
to show you the location of multiple burials. Once the light comes on indicating
multiple buried transceivers, you switch the beacon to Special mode and start
pivoting in a circle. The Tracker 2 will light up when it's pointed in the
direction of a buried beacon, and it will tell you the distance to the beacon.
When you've rotated a full circle and figured out how many victims need your
help, you can track them down one at a time. The multiple-burial light will
pulsate if you are within 10 feet of two or more victims. Searching for multiple
victims is quicker on a higher-quality device that maps out the location of up
to four burials and lets you mark their exact position on a screen. Backcountry
points out that multiple burials are rare, and that is true. All the same, we
prefer a device that is better equipped, even for unlikely emergency scenarios.
You can contact Backcountryaccess.com by phone or email, or you can use the live
chat feature. We were in constant contact with one of the reps, who was very
knowledgeable and responded to our initial email within 12 hours. The Tracker 2
emergency transmitter comes with a five-year warranty.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
You can find a simple and reliable avalanche beacon in the Tracker 2 from
Backcountry Access. This beacon has the ability to transmit your location over
160 feet while giving you the capabilities to search for survivors. It can't
show you how many survivors there are, but an icon will tell you if there is
more than one person who is buried. The Tracker 2 is smaller than many other
beacons we looked at, but with the included shoulder harness, you won't have to
worry about losing this transceiver.
Turning the Tracker 2 emergency locator on will trigger a self-diagnostic test
to make sure everything is running correctly. Once the diagnostics have run, the
Tracker 2 automatically turns to transmit mode. This mode transmits your
location up to 164 feet and uses three antennas to make sure it is transmitting
the strongest signal.
To start seeking out avalanche victims with the Tracker 2, you need only flip a
switch. This personal locator beacons emits a loud beeping sound when it has
picked up the signal of a buried transceiver. The digital display shows you the
distance to that spot while an arrow points you in the direction general
direction. If you pass the victim and head in the wrong direction, the distance
increases, indicating you should turn around.
If there are multiple victims buried, a small light will illuminate on the
Tracker 2. However, unlike more advanced beacons, this device has no LCD screen
to show you the location of multiple burials. Once the light comes on indicating
multiple buried transceivers, you switch the beacon to Special mode and start
pivoting in a circle. The Tracker 2 will light up when it's pointed in the
direction of a buried beacon, and it will tell you the distance to the beacon.
When you've rotated a full circle and figured out how many victims need your
help, you can track them down one at a time. The multiple-burial light will
pulsate if you are within 10 feet of two or more victims. Searching for multiple
victims is quicker on a higher-quality device that maps out the location of up
to four burials and lets you mark their exact position on a screen. Backcountry
points out that multiple burials are rare, and that is true. All the same, we
prefer a device that is better equipped, even for unlikely emergency scenarios.
You can contact Backcountryaccess.com by phone or email, or you can use the live
chat feature. We were in constant contact with one of the reps, who was very
knowledgeable and responded to our initial email within 12 hours. The Tracker 2
emergency transmitter comes with a five-year warranty.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
[Sepeda Motor] Yamaha Xeon Injeksi Diluncurkan Januari
Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'Yamaha Xeon Injeksi Diluncurkan Januari'
Yamaha Xeon Injeksi Akan Diluncurkan Januari - Pada artikel sebelumnya mengenai
Yamaha Xeon Injeksi sudah dipaparkan bentuk motor ini. Mulai dari desainnya
sampai jenis-jenisnya. Lumayan lengkap menurut saya mengenai gambaran motor ini.
Berikut ini jug...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
Yamaha Xeon Injeksi Akan Diluncurkan Januari - Pada artikel sebelumnya mengenai
Yamaha Xeon Injeksi sudah dipaparkan bentuk motor ini. Mulai dari desainnya
sampai jenis-jenisnya. Lumayan lengkap menurut saya mengenai gambaran motor ini.
Berikut ini jug...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
[Bike To Work] Korea Terbuka SSP > Sony Kalah, Pemain Indonesia Tanpa Sisa
Bike To Work has posted a new item, 'Korea Terbuka SSP > Sony Kalah, Pemain
Indonesia Tanpa Sisa'
Sumber Asli -- C0I - Tidak menyisakan satupun pemain, itulah yang lagi-lagi
terjadi pada Tim Indonesia dalam Korea Terbuka Superseries 2012. Tunggal putra,
Sony Dwi Kuncoro, yang menjadi harapan satu-satunya Indonesia tersingkir alias
tidak bisa k...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Indonesia Tanpa Sisa'
Sumber Asli -- C0I - Tidak menyisakan satupun pemain, itulah yang lagi-lagi
terjadi pada Tim Indonesia dalam Korea Terbuka Superseries 2012. Tunggal putra,
Sony Dwi Kuncoro, yang menjadi harapan satu-satunya Indonesia tersingkir alias
tidak bisa k...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
[Info Rumah] Rumah: Jual Tanah
Info Rumah has posted a new item, 'Rumah: Jual Tanah'
Judul: Jual Tanah
Catagory: Cari Rumah
Keterangan: Dijual cepat tanah seluas 12000 m2 di daerah Kecamatan Ciparay
Kabupaten Bandung Provinsi Jawa Barat. Ada sawah, kolam dan rumah.
Sertifikat Hak Milik. Tidak sedang dalam persengketaan. Hubungi : DED...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Rumah
Judul: Jual Tanah
Catagory: Cari Rumah
Keterangan: Dijual cepat tanah seluas 12000 m2 di daerah Kecamatan Ciparay
Kabupaten Bandung Provinsi Jawa Barat. Ada sawah, kolam dan rumah.
Sertifikat Hak Milik. Tidak sedang dalam persengketaan. Hubungi : DED...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Rumah
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